27th October – #stressdowndayuk

StressdowndayWhat’s It All About?
Today is #stressdowndayUK which aims to encourage everyone to reduce the negative impact of stress in our lives and workplaces whilst raising vital funds for FirstLight Trust. There is still some time to sign up!

FirstLight supports the amazing people in our Emergency Services and Armed Forces who face the most extreme forms of stress.

When is #stressdowndayUK?
Friday, 27 October, 2017, just before the clocks go back.

How does it work?

  1. Take time off
    Think of it like a dress down day although instead of wearing casual clothes, your employee gives a donation in exchange for some time off to de-stress.  We are asking employers to support the day by giving time off.
  • £5 donation – 1 hour time off
  • £10 donation – 2 hours time off
  • £20 donation – an afternoon off
  • And the big one – £50 for a day off!
  1. De-stress
    It is important your employees actually use this time to de-stress.  Relaxation is different for everyone.  They may find a new activity they’ll carry on doing to de-stress throughout the year!  We want to hear what your company and employees are doing to de-stress: Facebook us, write, share, inspire, smile.  Remember to use the #stressdowndayUK

How can you show support and get involved?

#stressdowndayUK is all about de-stressing and smiling! So:

Show your support by arranging to:

  • Support the cause with our amazing Smiler merchandise; memes, out of office Smiler signature; available on our website at stressdownday.org.uk
  • Employees will make a donation via our website, or JustTextGiving: contact 70070 text LIGHT20 with amounts of £5 or £10 in exchange for Confederation Of British Charities (COBSEO) giving them that time to de-stress
  • Tell everyone – tell your organisation’s suppliers and customers and include your local community
  • Encourage your employees to Smile more

What sort of activities could you do?

It’s not just ‘time off’.  Some ideas are

  • A ‘stress down lunch’ or a baking get together
  • Yoga, walking, mindfulness, tai chi
  • Arrange a corporate de-stressing activity which could involve your colleagues’ families during half-term week.
  • Invite members of your local community to participate in a ‘stress down’ activity you are putting on.

How to sign up 

Take a pack and give it to your HR department, or visit www.stressdownday.org.uk and fill out a form.  Do you need more convincing? #stressdowndayUK is a great way to show active support.  And once signed up we will email you an information pack.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here