The new trustees are developing their rural estate into a national centre where modern agriculture supports our core objective of assisting those that served in the armed services who are in need of assistance or are interested in gaining the skills for a career in the rural sector.
The manager will provide a range of support services to ex-service personnel and their families through personal development plans, understanding their future aims and objectives and working with other organisations based on the estate such as our farms for work experience, woodland therapy charity (The Cartshed), and training/qualifications providers. The manager will also assess applicants for our almshouses and ensure they are kept occupied and looked after.
Preference will be given to ex-military personnel, but this should not deter others from applying. Appropriate mental health qualifications will be advantageous.
The role will carry a good degree of independence and applicants will need to demonstrate they are well organised and able to run their own department.
For a job description & application form contact: info@buchanan-trust.org.uk