Stoll’s Chief Executive continues preparing for the London Marathon

Stoll’s Chief Executive, Ed Tytherleigh, continues preparing for the London Marathon and we hear an update on how his training is going.

Last month I declared my intention to run the London Marathon on Sunday April 22nd. The attempt is very much on and training is in full swing!

Stoll opens a new housing scheme in Aldershot in May this year and I am running to try and raise £10,000 to support the development. The £10 million development, on schedule to open in the next couple of months, will create 34 much-needed homes in Aldershot for vulnerable or disabled people who have served in the Armed Forces. So far, many of you have offered your support and I am extremely grateful to have raised £6,660.40.

Since I last wrote I have been trying my best to do you proud and justify your support.  I have done at least a Half Marathon around hilly north London in four of the last six weeks.  On Sunday 18th March, I ran my first competitive half marathon at Hampton Court and got round in 1 hour 47 mins.  The first ten miles or so are ok, but by the time I get to 13 or 14 miles I am starting to hobble a little so I am going through a few pain barriers.


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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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