
Enterprise For Life® Cadets Programme Graduation ceremony at London Stock Exchange, with Duke of York iDEA

17 pioneering Army cadets from around the UK who had attended the inaugural XFE Enterprise For Life® Cadets Programme weekend in March this year, attended the London Stock Exchange to be recognised for their achievements, in the company of their Regional Commanders and fellow representatives from the armed forces community, Ministry of Defence, the third sector and business community.

XFE Patron the Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham and Brigadier Mark Christie OBE, Deputy Commander Cadets UK Regional Command presented cadets with their certificates.

XFE CEO and Reservist Lt Col Ren Kapur MBE, pictured with the cadets said:

With a world that is moving technologically fast and an economy needing to compete on a global stage, it is so important that we equip our society with the best understanding of business.  This understanding is no longer a nice to have but an essential skill to support career pathways; be that in serving your country, working for yourself, for another business, third sector or the civil service.  The movement of money and how each department of any institution coexists in commerce has been an eye opener for the young cadets on the programme. 

“What was even more interesting was that each of the cadets’ enterprise ideas had a societal impact they were trying to address, whilst providing a product or service to the consumer; reflecting how the new generation of talent is not just focused on money and growth but success is also defined by ethics.”

The XFE Enterprise For Life® course has been recognised by The Duke of York iDEA – Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award – programme, the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh Award.  Cadets completing the course will receive an X-Forces Enterprise badge as part of their record of achievement

Click here for the report and details of an inspiring day!


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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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