Body: | Office for Veterans Affairs, Swyddfa Materion Cyn-filwyr |
Appointing Department: | Cabinet Office |
Sector: | Defence |
Location: | Wales. The role will require significant engagement with Veterans across Wales. Cymru. Bydd angen ymgysylltu’n sylweddol â Chyn-filwyr ledled Cymru fel rhan o’r rôl. |
Skills required: | Legal / Judicial |
Number of Vacancies: | 1 |
Remuneration: | The appointee will receive fees of £306 per day. Reasonable expenses may be claimed. Bydd y sawl sy’n cael ei benodi’n cael ffi o £306 y diwrnod. Gellir hawlio treuliau rhesymol. |
Time Requirements: | 100 days a year. 100 diwrnod y flwyddyn. |
The Secretary of State for Wales and the Minister for Defence People and Veterans are seeking to appoint a Veterans Commissioner for Wales. The Armed Forces have a long and important tradition in Wales, and we are exceptionally proud of our Welsh veterans. Our ex-service personnel and their families deserve recognition, support and respect throughout the duration of their service and beyond. The recruitment of a Veterans Commissioner for Wales is an important step forward in supporting ex-service personnel in Wales and part of meeting the UK Governments ambition of making the United Kingdom the best place in the world to be a veteran.
The Role
As the Veterans Commissioner for Wales, your overall strategic objective will be to improve outcomes for veterans, their families and Armed Forces families across Wales, building on the significant work already undertaken by the UK Government and within the Welsh Government’s devolved responsibilities. A fundamental element of this role will be to engage with veterans and their families, listen to their needs and aspirations, and identify any need for positive change, encourage and share areas of good practice communicating these to policymakers. You will work with existing/established networks and Welsh Government governance structures supporting existing work to deliver the UK Government Strategy for our Veterans. You will act as an ambassador for veterans across all areas of Wales and will play a key role in making the United Kingdom the best place in the world to be a veteran.
The responsibilities of the Veterans Commissioner for Wales will be:
- To listen to and understand the issues and barriers affecting veterans and their families, and using the information to influence improvement in services;
- To improve outcomes for veterans and their families through collaboration that will build upon and complement the work of the Welsh Government, public bodies and key stakeholders;
- Work with the Welsh Government and key stakeholders to recognise areas of need in service provision and identify the means to address those needs;
- Improve co-ordination and integration across services where appropriate to facilitate better communication and outcomes;
- To build the profile of veterans and promote wider recognition of the skills, experiences and talents of veterans and the valued contributions they make to communities and employers;
- To work with public service providers to support the understanding of the UK Government’s new legislation on ‘no disadvantage’; and
- Recognise that Armed Forces and veterans’ families also require support, including during periods of transition.
You will do this by:
- Engaging with veterans individually and their representative bodies to understand their experiences perspectives, needs and aspirations;
- Evaluate public service provision for veterans in Wales, including through undertaking thematic inquiries to generate evidence;
- Identify barriers to improving services and make recommendations to Welsh Government Ministers to improve devolved public service provision;
- Develop and maintain strong relationships with other relevant bodies to maximise opportunities to share advice, expertise and good practice with public and third sector organisations, ensuring alignment with existing services and avoiding duplication.
- Provide the strategic direction, performance framework and governance of the Office of the Welsh Veterans’ Commissioner;
- Oversee the development a communications strategy to raise the profile of veterans; and
- Being accountable to the UK Government, through the Office for Veterans Affairs, for the delivery of your objectives and performance of the Office.
Mae Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a’r Gweinidog dros Bobl Amddiffyn a Chyn-filwyr yn dymuno penodi Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr i Gymru. Mae gan y Lluoedd Arfog draddodiad hir a phwysig yng Nghymru, ac rydym yn eithriadol o falch o’n cyn-filwyr o Gymru. Mae ein cyn-filwyr a’u teuluoedd yn haeddu cydnabyddiaeth, cymorth a pharch gydol eu gwasanaeth a thu hwnt. Mae recriwtio Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr i Gymru yn gam pwysig ymlaen o ran cefnogi cyn-filwyr yng Nghymru ac mae’n cyfrannu at uchelgais Llywodraeth y DU o wneud y Deyrnas Unedig y lle gorau yn y byd i fod yn gyn-filwr.
Y Rôl
Fel Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru, eich amcan strategol cyffredinol fydd gwella canlyniadau i gyn-filwyr, eu teuluoedd a theuluoedd y Lluoedd Arfog ledled Cymru, gan adeiladu ar y gwaith sylweddol sydd eisoes wedi’i wneud gan Lywodraeth y DU ac o fewn cyfrifoldebau datganoledig Llywodraeth Cymru. Un o elfennau sylfaenol y rôl hon fydd ymgysylltu â chyn-filwyr a’u teuluoedd, gan wrando ar eu hanghenion a’u dyheadau, a nodi unrhyw angen am newid cadarnhaol, yn ogystal â hybu a rhannu meysydd o arferion da, gan gyfathrebu’r rhain i lunwyr polisïau. Byddwch yn gweithio gyda rhwydweithiau presennol/sefydledig, yn ogystal â strwythurau llywodraethu Llywodraeth Cymru, gan gefnogi gwaith sy’n mynd rhagddo eisoes i gyflawni Strategaeth Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer ein Cyn-filwyr. Byddwch yn llysgennad i gyn-filwyr o Fôn i Fynwy ac yn chwarae rôl allweddol yn gwneud y Deyrnas Unedig y lle gorau yn y byd i fod yn gyn-filwr.
Dyma fydd cyfrifoldebau Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru:
- Gwrando ar y problemau a’r rhwystrau sy’n effeithio ar gyn-filwyr a’u teuluoedd, eu deall, a defnyddio’r wybodaeth i ddylanwadu ar welliannau mewn gwasanaethau;
- Gwella canlyniadau i gyn-filwyr a’u teuluoedd drwy gydweithio a fydd yn adeiladu ar waith Llywodraeth Cymru, cyrff cyhoeddus a rhanddeiliaid allweddol, ac yn ei ategu;
- Gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a rhanddeiliaid allweddol i nodi meysydd angen mewn darpariaeth gwasanaethau, a nodi ffyrdd o ddiwallu’r anghenion hynny;
- Lle bo’n briodol, gwella’r cyd-drefnu a’r integreiddio ar draws gwasanaethau i hwyluso gwell cyfathrebu a chanlyniadau;
- Codi proffil cyn-filwyr a hybu cydnabyddiaeth ehangach o sgiliau, profiadau a thalentau cyn-filwyr, a’u cyfraniadau gwerthfawr i gymunedau ac i gyflogwyr;
- Gweithio gyda darparwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gynyddu dealltwriaeth o ddeddfwriaeth newydd Llywodraeth y DU ar ‘ddim anfantais;
- Cydnabod bod angen cymorth ar deuluoedd y Lluoedd Arfog a chyn-filwyr hefyd, gan gynnwys yn ystod cyfnodau pontio.
Byddwch yn gwneud hyn drwy’r canlynol:
- Ymgysylltu â chyn-filwyr yn unigol ac â’u cyrff cynrychioliadol i ddeall eu profiadau, eu safbwyntiau, eu hanghenion a’u dyheadau;
- Gwerthuso’r ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyn-filwyr yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys drwy gynnal ymchwiliadau thematig i gynhyrchu tystiolaeth;
- Nodi’r rhwystrau i wella gwasanaethau a gwneud argymhellion i Weinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn gwella’r ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau cyhoeddus datganoledig;
- Datblygu a chynnal perthynas gref â chyrff perthnasol eraill i gynyddu’r cyfleoedd i rannu cyngor, arbenigedd ac arferion da â sefydliadau yn y sector cyhoeddus a’r trydydd sector, gan sicrhau cysondeb â gwasanaethau presennol ac osgoi dyblygiad.
- Darparu cyfeiriad strategol, fframwaith perfformiad a threfn lywodraethu Swyddfa Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru;
- Goruchwylio’r gwaith o ddatblygu strategaeth gyfathrebu i godi proffil cyn-filwyr;
- Bod yn atebol i Lywodraeth y DU, drwy’r Swyddfa Materion Cyn-filwyr, am gyflawniad eich amcanion a pherfformiad y Swyddfa.
Person Specification
Essential Criteria
All candidates for this challenging role will need to demonstrate:
- Strong and visible leadership skills, with the ability to challenge constructively, influence and negotiate with key stakeholders at local, national and strategic levels to improve outcomes for veterans;
- A proven ability to work collaboratively, delivering improved outcomes through partnership, demonstrating sensitivity in dealing with people, empowering and motivating, whilst maintaining a flexible and adaptable approach;
- An ability to make effective decisions and help inform the development of devolved policy and strategy, be innovative and identify new solutions, providing a clear strategic vision and translating that vision into successful services and programmes for veterans;
- Knowledge of the devolved provision of services, the ex-Service sector and Armed Forces transition arrangements in Wales.
- A practical understanding of the requirements of good corporate governance in both the UK and Welsh Government settings, including financial and performance management and personal integrity.
- The ability to speak Welsh is desirable, but not essential.
This means that you will have the capacity to:
- Engage with, listen to, and act upon the real-life experiences of service users;
- Promote rigorous and supportive challenge, while being sensitive to the views of others;
- Foster and maintain good relationships with a wide range of stakeholders; and
- Work effectively with the UK Government, the Welsh Government, Local Health Boards, Local Authorities, Statutory bodies such as DWP and other veterans’ stakeholders across Wales.
Meini Prawf Hanfodol
Bydd angen i bob ymgeisydd ar gyfer y rôl heriol hon ddangos y canlynol:
- Sgiliau arwain cryf ac amlwg, a’r gallu i herio’n adeiladol, i ddylanwadu ac i drafod â rhanddeiliaid allweddol ar lefel leol, genedlaethol a strategol i wella canlyniadau i gyn-filwyr;
- Prawf o allu gweithio ar y cyd, gan ddarparu gwell canlyniadau drwy bartneriaeth a dangos tringarwch wrth ddelio â phobl, grymuso a chymell, gan gynnal dull gweithredu hyblyg ac addasadwy;
- Y gallu i wneud penderfyniadau effeithiol ac i helpu i ddylanwadu ar ddatblygiad strategaethau a pholisïau datganoledig, i fod yn arloesol a nodi atebion newydd, gan ddarparu gweledigaeth strategol glir a throsi’r weledigaeth honno’n wasanaethau a rhaglenni llwyddiannus i gyn-filwyr;
- Gwybodaeth am ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau datganoledig, y sector cyn-filwyr a threfniadau pontio’r Lluoedd Arfog yng Nghymru.
- Dealltwriaeth ymarferol o ofynion llywodraethu corfforaethol da yng nghyd-destun Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU, gan gynnwys rheoli cyllid a pherfformiad, ac uniondeb personol.
- Mae’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn ddymunol ond nid yw’n hanfodol.
Mae hyn yn golygu y byddwch yn gallu:
- Ymgysylltu â phrofiadau go iawn defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, a gwrando a gweithredu arnynt;
- Hybu herio’n gadarn ac yn gefnogol, gan ystyried safbwyntiau pobl eraill ar yr un pryd;
- Meithrin a chynnal perthynas dda ag amrywiaeth eang o randdeiliaid;
Gweithio’n effeithiol gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywodraeth y DU, Byrddau Iechyd Lleol, Awdurdodau Lleol, cyrff statudol fel yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, a rhanddeiliaid cyn-filwyr eraill ledled Cymru.
How to Apply
To apply, please send:
• a CV of not more than two sides of A4;
• a supporting statement of not more than two sides of A4, providing examples and setting out how you meet the criteria;
• Recruitment Monitoring form (Google) you do not need to have a Google account to complete the form (here) – If you experience problems accessing the monitoring form please contact the Sponsor Team.
• Disability Confident – Offering an interview to disabled people declaration (if applicable)
Completed applications may be submitted in English or Welsh and should be emailed to: veterans@cabinetoffice.gov.uk Please put ‘VCFW2022’ in the Subject line.
If you would like to speak to someone about the application and appointment process, please contact veterans@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.
I wneud cais, anfonwch:
• CV, heb fod ddim mwy na dwy ochr o dudalen A4;
• datganiad ategol heb fod ddim mwy na dwy ochr o dudalen A4, yn rhoi enghreifftiau ac yn nodi sut yr ydych yn bodloni’r meini prawf;
• Ffurflen Monitro Recriwtio (Google) nid oes angen cyfrif Google arnoch i lenwi’r ffurflen (here) – Os ydych yn cael trafferth cael gafael ar y ffurflen, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Noddi.
• Hyderus o ran Anabledd – Datganiad cynnig cyfweliad i bobl anabl (os yw’n berthnasol)
Ceir cyflwyno ceisiadau yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg, a hynny dros e-bost i veterans@cabinetoffice.gov.uk Rhowch ‘VCFW2022’ yn y llinell pwnc.
Os hoffech siarad â rhywun am y cais a’r broses benodi, cysylltwch â veterans@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.