Ties with Poppy Factory flourish

RMA – The Royal Marines Charity Chief Executive Jonathan Ball, accompanied by Employment & Education Manager, Zoe Darnbrough (right), have visited the Poppy Factory in Richmond. They were hosted by newly appointed Interim Chief Exec Amanda Shepard (mid left) and Director of Operations, Debbie Boughflower.

The Poppy Factory brings in vital funds to support modern-day veteran services. It also supports veterans with health conditions on their journey into employment, helping them overcome any barriers, and so there is great synergy with the employment and education services RMA – The Royal Marines Charity itself offers.

In order to continue delivering transformational employment support to veterans with health conditions, the Poppy Factory has announced it is expanding. It’s ‘preparing to launch new services to support the ex-Forces community and build on the success of recent partnership work. In delivering ever more effective employment support for the ex-Forces community across England and Wales, it’s developing new services to expand the ability to help veterans with health conditions and their families’.

The visit therefore came at a perfect time for our own team who gained valuable insight on how we might in future share any new support available with our own beneficiaries.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here