Alabaré Appoints New Trustee

John Hunter - TrusteeAlabaré is pleased to announce that John Hunter has joined the charity as a trustee.  John served for 29 years in the Army as an artillery officer, during which time he served in Europe, Canada, USA, Zimbabwe and Indonesia. Latterly he was, for 10 years, a director and Chief Executive, of a medium size charity offering soldiers opportunities to achieve vocational and educational qualifications to enhance their military career prospects and prepare them for their next career. John is also a volunteer with the Harnham Water Meadows Trust.

John Hunter said of his new role;

“I am very pleased to be invited to become a trustee of Alabaré. I welcome the opportunity this role offers me to bring together my knowledge and experience from careers in the Army and the Third Sector. I very much look forward to supporting Alabaré and in particular its work with homeless veterans.”

John Proctor OBE Chairman of the board of Trustees at Alabaré said;

“We are delighted to welcome John as a trustee to the charity. He brings with him a wealth of experience further supporting the delivery of our charitable objectives.”


For more information or to arrange an interview call Sarah Booth on 01722 344485.


At Alabaré we support people to overcome the barriers of homelessness, mental ill-health and learning disabilities in-order to have a home, health, choice and independence.

Alabaré Christian Care and Support provide the highest standards of accommodation and support to disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our communities in order that they can have a home, health, choice and independence. Since 1991, Alabaré have been working with people facing disadvantage through homelessness, mental ill-health, learning disability or a combination of these.  We provide housing and personalised support based on the individual needs and aspirations of each person, tackling underlying causes and giving them the skills and confidence to move forward with their lives.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here