Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Armed Forces Covenant partnership launches innovative e-learning programme aimed at the Armed Forces


AF pers course outline

Warwickshire County Council, on behalf of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Armed Forces Covenant partnership is launching today an innovative e-learning  resource for Armed Forces personnel and their families.  This training programme has been designed to raise awareness of the Armed Forces Covenant and highlight how it can support them in reducing disadvantages that can occur as a result of their Service.  The launch includes a social media campaign targeted towards Armed Forces personnel and their families to encourage them to access the training.  This work is part of the local partnerships contribution to supporting the Armed Forces and their families and delivering on the Covenant promise to reduce disadvantage for the Armed Forces community.

AF families course outline

The purpose of the campaign is to raise the profile of the Armed Forces Covenant, show how it can do more than people realise and encourage people to use these specially designed resources to find out more.  This work is majority funded by WCC with additional funds coming from the MOD Covenant Fund.

These modules were created by the Armed Forces Covenant Team within the Council, in collaboration with serving personnel, Naval, Army and RAF Families Federations and organisations within the local partnership.

Each Tweet in the social media campaign will direct people to either  (AF personnel) or  (AF families).  From here individuals will be able to register and complete the module relevant to them.

Rear Admiral Simon Williams CB CVO, Naval Secretary / Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Personnel) / Flag Officer Reserves said ‘“I am delighted to endorse the latest Armed Forces Covenant e-learning modules, which have been very well designed by the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Covenant Partnership. These modules set out what the Armed Forces Covenant can deliver and explain how our people can access the information and support they need. It is clear that much work is being done by local and central government, charities and businesses to remove many of the disadvantages that our serving community face, simply because they are part of the Armed Forces, and we need to make sure that our personnel and their families are made aware of this.”

Anna Wright, CEO of the Naval Families Federation said “The Naval Families Federation is delighted to be part of the work to develop this fantastic suite of e-learning modules. These modules are an excellent resource, which will help our serving personnel and their families gain a better understanding of the Covenant and what it can do to help remove disadvantage and make life just that bit easier”

Notes for Editors

These modules follow on from the Armed Forces Covenant for Frontline Staff e-learning module which is currently being used in over 10 Local Authorities across the UK with another 40 plus bringing it online during 2018.

The first tweet from @Warwickshire_CC will be ‘What can the Covenant do for you?  Probably a lot more than you think!  Find out more at  (AF personnel) or  (AF families)

#ArmedForcesCovenant and #DefenceHQ will be used as the starting point with 6 further tweets covering different aspects of how the Armed Forces Covenant is helping serving members of the Armed Forces and another 7 focused on the support for the families of members of the Armed Forces.

The Covenant Fund was launched in 2015 and is an annual £10 million fund from the MOD to support the Armed Forces community.  On 1 Apr 18 this moved to be an independent trust; the Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund.  The Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund has 4 broad funding themes, which are:

  • removing barriers to family life;
  • extra support after service for those that need help;
  • measures to integrate military and civilian communities and allow the Armed Forces community to participate as citizens;
  • and non-core healthcare services for veterans.

Point of Contact

The POC for this campaign is:

Phil Deakin
Armed Forces Covenant Worker
Warwickshire County Council
01926-476862 or 0777 607 1054

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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