Darlington sales executive to take on mammoth 100k challenge for military charity

Darren Hoare 2

A man from Darlington is training to compete in a 100k walk across the Yorkshire Dales for Blind Veterans UK, the national charity for vision-impaired ex-Service men and women.

Darren Hoare, 27, will be embarking on the challenge for the second time, having previously taken part last year in what was the challenge’s inaugural year.

He says: “Last year went really well. I’m not even sure how we ended up taking part, my mate just saw an advert and then the next thing I knew, we’d all been roped into it! There were seven of us and while we didn’t manage to all stick together, we all finished it in less than 24 hours which was brilliant.”

Despite last year’s success, Darren, who works for Holiday Inn, maintains that this year, he’s feeling the pressure. He says: “I’m probably more nervous than last time because this time around, I know just how hard it’s going to be! Last year, towards the end, I caught myself saying I’d never do it again, but this year there’s a new route and, having had a chance to look back, and considering just how well the charity looked after us, my dad, my uncle and I have decided to give it another go.”

With a minimum fundraising target of £300, Darren will be looking to call on the support of his local community, who he says were incredibly supportive last year. He says: “I’m a member of the local Rotary Club of Richmond, so as part of last year’s sponsorship policy, I gave a presentation on what I’d be doing as well as the fantastic work the charity does in supporting blind veterans and helping them achieve independence after sight loss. They were fantastic; very supportive and very generous.”

Despite the mental and physical challenges posed by the challenge, Darren wants to encourage as many people as possible to face their fears and test their limits. He says: “While it was definitely the hardest challenge I’ve ever completed, it was easily the most satisfying. To anyone who likes the sound of it, I’d say 100% get involved!”

Registration for the 100k is currently open with a registration fee of £62.50 for the 100k. For those not wanting to walk the full distance there is also a relay option available for teams of four walking 25k each. Teams taking part in the relay have a registration fee of £110. The all-inclusive entrance fee for participants includes lunch, dinner and breakfast at three rest stops, snacks and refreshments along the route and a free event t-shirt. You can find out more information and sign up at blindveterans.org.uk/100k.

This year, the 100k Yorkshire will follow a stunning new circular route, which starts and finishes in Darley in the beautiful Nidderdale. From there the route follows the River Nidd, goes onto Brimham Rocks, and past Ripley Castle. Trek through the dramatic rural Yorkshire landscape.

To support Darren as he takes on the 100k for Blind Veterans UK, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Darren-Hoare3.

For all media enquiries please contact: Felix Arbenz-Caines, PR Assistant, Blind Veterans UK, 12 – 14 Harcourt Street, London, W1H 4HD, E: Felix.Arbenz-Caines@blindveterans.org.uk, T: 020 7616 7941

Notes to Editor

Blind Veterans UK

Blind Veterans UK is a national charity that believes that no-one who has served our country should have to battle blindness alone. Founded in 1915, the charity provides blind and vision impaired ex-Service men and women with lifelong support including welfare support, rehabilitation, training, residential and respite care.

Find out more at: blindveterans.org.uk, follow us on Facebook at: facebook.com/blindveteransuk and on Twitter at: twitter.com/blindveterans.


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