The difference a retweet can make


Here at Give Us Time, we were all inspired by the speech HRH Prince Harry gave at the Veterans Mental Health Conference.

In particular, how Prince Harry stressed the importance of working all together to make a change: ‘All of the successful steps we’ve taken so far have involved collaboration, and I urge all of you to commit to greater openness and coordination so we can make this change together’.

Give Us Time is grateful for all the help and support our organisation has received from other service charities during the years, from sharing expertise and best practices, to referring families in urgent need of our services, to financial support. We are extremely grateful and we do believe that working in partnership with others is key for a successful organisation.

However, there is still much to do: the increasing number of military families coming forward and asking for help pushes Give Us Time to work even harder to make sure we can help more deserving cases. Unfortunately, although we receive donations of accommodation from some amazing donors who have been with us almost since the start, we need more. We are looking to expand our property donors base, especially in the UK so we can help all those families that due to physical or mental wounds are not able to travel abroad or find this too stressful.

So, inspired by Prince Harry’s words, we ask everyone to get in touch if they have a commercially let property they wish to donate to a military family in need or if they might know someone who could donate. You never know who, among your contacts, might own a beautiful cottage in the countryside or a caravan surrounded by nature!

Only last week, our Ambassador, Ant Middleton, retweeted our call for action to find inspired entrepreneurs and individuals willing to donate a break away to a military family in need. The response has been overwhelming with over seven people reaching out to offer their properties, plus many others getting in touch to show their support and helping spreading the word out.

The difference a retweet can make for a small service charity like Give Us Time is amazing; the light a simple retweet sheds on our charitable cause means we can help more military families in need of our services.

So, let’s all be inspired and work together to make a difference. Even though we all have different ways of supporting our beneficiaries and we have found varied solutions to support them, at the end of the day we all have the Armed Forces community at the heart of all our efforts: ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.

Every little help counts; even one retweet could make a big difference to the life of a military family.



Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here