On Wednesday (November 15, 2017) DMWS Training Manager, Mark Perryman, received the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Award as ‘Most Supportive MHFA Friend’. We congratulate Mark on this well-deserved achievement. Over the past four years, Mark has passionately delivered 50 Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses and single-handedly trained over 700 people; which in turn will help thousands of others. Unfortunately he was unable to attend the event to collect his award, as he was delivering an MHFA course – which highlights his commitment to MHFA. Danielle Cowap, DMWS Training Manager collected the award on his behalf.
His nomination acknowledges his work with teachers, nurses, youth workers, jockeys, LGBT leaders and the emergency services. In his role with the Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS), he has expanded the training team in his efforts to make DMWS the most prolific independent deliverer of MHFA in England. Building confidence in others and inner strength, Mark is a true MHFA Ambassador in every sense. His belief is such, that he has trained every single member of our staff in MHFA (Adult). His innovative approach to supporting other charities and training volunteers and key workers in MHFA, has led to grants being awarded, to fund the continuation of this exceptional work.