ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is delighted to award a £10,000 grant towards the core operating costs of the charity Give Us Time, which provides respite holiday breaks for military families.
The charity is committed to promoting the welfare of Army families, especially in the current economic climate. Give Us Time helps service families reconnect and spend time together to strengthen their personal bonds and relationships. Since 2015, the charity has organised respite holiday breaks donated ‘in kind’ by hotels, commercial properties, timeshare homes and individual donors. Between October 2021 and September 2022, 204 families enjoyed respite holidays in the UK, Europe and Turkey, 63 per cent of whom were Army families.
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret’d) Rupert Forrest MBE, Adviser, Give Us Time, said:
“I would like to thank ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, on behalf of our beneficiaries. The donation of £10,000 pounds is a very significant sum and it will make a real difference in enabling respite opportunities to service families in need of rest, recuperation and reconnection.”
Brigadier (Ret’d) Peter Monteith, Chief Operating Officer at ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, added:
“Supporting organisations devoted to the welfare of Army families goes to the heart of our mission. The pressures of Army service life can affect families in different ways, and many need a well-earned break from time to time. We are proud to make this donation to the team at Give Us Time.”
Read more about Give Us Time on its website: https://giveustime.org.uk/