Her Majesty The Queen attends the 95th Field of Remembrance

Her Majesty The Queen at the 95th Field of Remembrance, organised by The Poppy FactoryHer Majesty The Queen attended the opening of the 95th Field Remembrance this morning and placed a personal tribute in memory of all who have given their lives in service.

Around 40,000 tributes, including symbols of all faiths and none, were laid out by volunteers in the grounds of Westminster Abbey ahead of the ceremony, as veterans and guests came together to remember fallen comrades and loved ones.

A two-minute silence was observed at the end of the short service as the chimes of Big Ben rang out at 11am. Her Majesty then met members of the Abbey staff and representatives from The Poppy Factory, which has organised the Field of Remembrance since 1928, before conducting a review of the plots.

The group escorting Her Majesty was led by the Abbey’s Senior Verger and included Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, The High Bailiff, Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis, President of The Poppy Factory, Vice Admiral Sir Clive Johnstone, National President of The Royal British Legion, and Al Kett, Chair of The Poppy Factory.

Amanda Shepard, Chief Executive of The Poppy Factory, said:

It was a great honour to have Her Majesty The Queen attend the Field of Remembrance once again, 95 years since a group of veterans from our factory first planted poppies in the grounds of Westminster Abbey. Their intention was to publicly honour those who have given their lives in the service of others. It is vital that we continue to do so, and to offer an opportunity for people of all faiths and none to place their own personal tributes.

“We are very grateful to Her Majesty for attending today, and for her longstanding and continued support for our charity as we work to help more members of the Armed Forces community overcome barriers and move forward towards a more positive future through employment.”

At the opening ceremony, prayers were led by the Dean of Westminster The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle and The Right Reverend Anthony Ball. Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis invited Her Majesty to lay a Cross of Remembrance followed by the Last Post, the Exhortation to Remembrance, the two-minute silence and Reveille.

The Field of Remembrance will remain open to public from 9am to 6pm each day until Sunday 19 November. Opening times may vary. Anyone who wishes to can plant a tribute carrying a personal message in memory of those who have lost their lives in the service of others.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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