Member Directory

British Nuclear Test Veterans Association

Charity Number: 1173575

The BNTVA is the premier UK charity representing all people who have worked with or alongside radioactive material for the benefit of this nation. Formed initially to campaign for recognition and restitution of our Servicemen who participated in the British Nuclear Tests the organisation has evolved over the years to share it’s knowledge and heritage with people from all walks of life.

Contact Information
The Smithy
0208 144 3080

Support Offered

Working within the UK Charity sector we further seek to forge bonds of mutual benefit with other charitable bodies and support organisations both within the Ex-Service sphere and the wider community.

We are also committed to maintaining the heritage of our Veterans experiences by passing their incredible story on to future generations.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here