We provide assistance to veterans and their families with Mental Health support through counselling and one to one interventions, Addiction support with our addiction substance misuse practitioner. The addiction support is through group work as well as one to one interventions. We also supply complementary therapies in the form of reiki and acupuncture. Social inclusion in the form of groups such as woodcraft, model making and craft as well as coffee morning’s free meals and our breakfast club. Practical support through our case workers who support such things as benefits, housing, fuel poverty, food poverty as well as furniture.
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Support Offered
We have 2 case workers who work with the practical support side of what we offer. We have 4 fully qualified counsellors who work within the veterans trust and are dedicated to supporting our veterans. Our substance misuse practitioner who has 18 years experience in substance misuse and also offers complimentary therapies such as reiki and acupuncture.