Member Directory

Charity Number: 1049041
Company Number: 3091887

Provision of offshore sailing to disabled Ex Service Personnel and their dependants and disabled other people of all ages and disabilities.

Contact Information
Wingham House
Winchester Road
Bishop's Waltham
SO32 1BZ

Support Offered

Offshore Sailing
Day Sailing
Cruises varying in length between 2 and 10 days
RYA Practical Courses

Scottish Charity Number: SC049263

ICARUS is a veteran-led mental health treatment charity. We provide therapy, counselling and help for the range of difficulties and problems which often evolve from trauma, PTSD or other commonly related conditions, such as anger-management, excessive alcohol use and drug abuse. We are open to all the uniformed services, whether in the Army, Navy or the Air Force.
Treatment for veterans is FREE of charge, regardless of rank, unit, service record or age. We also treat serving personnel.

Contact Information
Third Floor
3 Hill Street
New Town,Edinburgh
0333 987 5055

Support Offered

At ICARUS we have developed a flexible and sympathetic treatment model which recognises the unique nature of military service and the military mindset and explored and adopted new concepts and treatment protocols, working on the basis that no ‘one size fits all’. Effective treatment has to be tailored to the individual and their personal circumstances. Reintegration back into civilian life often causes additional complications along with employment issues and drug and alcohol abuse. Even managing practical matters can impact on a veteran’s mental health. We try to offer veterans as much support and time as they require, to enable them to lead normal, well-adjusted lives.

All calls and enquiries are conducted in complete privacy. We understand the immediacy. You will be contacted and seen within 24 hours. All our sessions are online, using applications such as Zoom or Skype. Virtual treatment allows us to be more flexible with times and availability.

The majority of our team at ICARUS are connected to the armed forces – veterans themselves, married to veterans or closely associated with serving personnel. This veteran-to-veteran approach has been absolutely integral to the success of the charity, allowing an immediate understanding of the problems being faced, providing reassurance and support. Shared personal experience is a critical factor in dealing with the major crises that affect many of our veterans.

Charity Number: 213364
Company Number: 00171814

To provide enduring, practical support to widows and dependants of those who served with the UK Armed Forces, to veterans of the UK Armed Forces, and to retired nurses (either military or civilian).
To act as an enduring memorial to those who died in the service of their country through the voluntary work carried out by our beneficiaries, who are formally known as Remembrance Workers.

Contact Information
142 Buckingham Palace Road
020 7881 0987

Support Offered

Volunteer Placements
Social Events

Charity Number: 1150541

The Not Forgotten Association provides leisure and recreation for wounded serving and ex-service men and women with disabilities

Contact Information
1st Floor
14 Buckingham Palace Road
020 7730 2400

Support Offered

TVs for the those with restricted mobility or who are largely housebound and licences where a need exists

Holidays, for groups and individuals, including adventure activities and with carers where necessary

Days Out

Concerts and in-house entertainment for residents in ex-service care homes across the UK

Summer Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and Christmas Party in The State Apartments of St. James’s Palace for War Pensioners and those in receipt of compensation from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

Charity Number: 1161224

The Ripple Pond helps the adult loved ones of serving and retired members of HM Forces and who are suffering distress because of their loved one’s condition.

Contact Information
Mandora House
Louise Margaret Road
GU11 2PW
0333 900 1028 (freefone)

Support Offered

Support offered:
• Local peer-led support groups
• Peer ‘buddies’
• Video meetings (via Skype)
• ‘closed’ Facebook page (members only)
• WhatsApp group chats
• Social events and talks
• Signposting to other charities

Charity Number: 226446
Scottish Charity Number: SC038199

Seafarers UK is a charity that provides grants to other front line charities working right across the maritime sector. We support charities that help seafarers or ex-seafarers from the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Merchant Navy or fishing fleets. We also give grants to maritime youth groups and charities that help seafarers’ families, including widows and children.

Contact Information
8 Hatherley Street
0207 932 5972

Support Offered

Seafarers UK supports mainly UK-based charities that provide help across a broad spectrum of welfare need including housing, debt, injury, relationship breakdown and family bereavement. Occasionally we provide grants to maritime charities from other Commonwealth countries.

Charity Number: 207939

Formerly known as the ‘Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation’

Provides housing and rehabilitative support to vulnerable and disabled ex-Service personnel, including those who have been homeless.

Contact Information
The Stoll Foundation
446 Fulham Road
020 7385 2110

Support Offered

Quality homes and support within a secure community for vulnerable and disabled ex-Service personnel. Wide range of types of housing and facilities.

Support and health and well being services across London. Education, training, employment opportunities.
Enabling personal development towards independent living

Charity Number: 1172407

Aiming to increase community cohesion and tackle social isolation by connecting people. Through the VC Gallery, we work to create meaningful engagement, combat and support poor mental health and social care amongst the Veteran and local communities.
We offer a positive support network, a creative space to help people re-connect through art, workshops, local events and opportunities within the area. We provide a diverse support network to empower and help develop a united, positive and safe environment. We provide weekly art sessions, outreach workshops within schools, memory cafes, retirement homes and for third sector organisations.
We offer a breakfast club once a week and help with housing issues, benefit problems and employment support.

Contact Information
30 High Street
SA61 2DA

Support Offered

We offer peer mentor help, guidance and expertise with all veteran affairs.
We have excellent referral pathways with national organisations and our local Authority, keeping a close connection with the individual we work with a holistic approach to achieve the best outcome at all times.
Our expertise is offering a vibrant, creative space where people can socialise and expressive themselves through art, that can be at our art workshops, or volunteering at memory cafes, schools and residential homes.

Charity Number: 1155953

Our Vision:
To be there for those who have served in any of the UK Armed Forces (Veterans) for one day’s service or more, their families and dependents, who experience adverse issues and conditions, discrimination, or disadvantage during transition from military service, through resettlement, and in civilian life.
Our Mission Statement:
To help all serving members and veterans of the UK Armed Forces , their spouses, children, and dependents by working in partnership with others to assist in the provision of schemes, grants, and services for their resettlement, rehabilitation, retraining, employment , and welfare.
Our Values:
The Veterans Contact Point values its effective partnership working, demonstrating a non – judgemental diverse approach, challenging inequality and discrimination, by offering a professional, ethical, and accessible quality service to serving members and veterans of the UK Armed Forces, their families and dependents, empowering and aiding them to improve their lives and well-being within the community

The Veterans Contact Point (VCP) is a local military charity supporting veterans and their families in Warwickshire, Coventry & Solihull. The VCP started as a Veteran to Veteran run information, referral and peer support centre in 2011 to improve the access to support and information for serving and former members of the UK Armed Forces.

In February 2014 the VCP became a registered as military charity (Charity no: 1155953). It remains a veteran run organisation staffed totally by volunteers, including those who have served themselves, and who are committed to helping the local Armed Forces Community. The VCP offers an office base for partners and organisations who provide additional support, these include: SSAFA Warwickshire & Coventry; Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust – Ex-Armed Armed Forces Mental Health; Veterans UK; Citizens Advice Bureau; Warrior Programme; Coventry Solihull & Warwickshire AFCC; The Parachute Regimental Associations; Ubique Partnerships Limited and many more.

We ensure that every penny donated or raised is used in direct support of local Veterans and their families in the community. We provide information, advice and referrals to a wide range of specialist organisations and service charities. We also help veterans who have been in contact with the law through our Criminal Justice Partnership’s, providing a referral and information helpline service (telephone: 02476 348227).

We are open Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 16:00 hours. Referrals can be made by telephone, email or by dropping in at the VCP.

Contact Information
Bentley Road
CV11 5LR
02476 343793

Support Offered

The relief in need of former members of the Armed Services, their spouses, children and dependents or organisations supporting their needs in particular but not exclusively by:
(i) providing or assisting in the provision of schemes for their resettlement, rehabilitation, retraining and employment; and
(ii) providing or assisting in the provision of grants, items and services for their benefit
 To provide a safe environment.
 To provide a professional assessment of needs.
 To provide a weekly job club & job preparation activities.
 To provide training courses where appropriate, leading to a recognised qualification or accreditation.
 To promote awareness of needs through presentations, partnership working, marketing and fund raising events.
 To provide mentoring/peer support.
 To promote and develop the use of the Armed Forces Centre and its resources to the wider community.
 To support and promote, with others the Armed Forces Community Covenant.

Charity Number: 1123149
Company Number: 6484880

The Veterans Charity is the immediate needs support provider for Veterans who find themselves battling hardship. We provide essentials such as food, clothing and footwear, utilities support, smartphones/tablets and calling credit, short-term emergency accommodation and household/homeware.

Contact Information
Unit 7
Seven Brethren Bank
EX31 2AS
01271 859211

Support Offered

Immediate needs provision for Veterans and their families. Poverty and hardship support. Memorials and Remembrance creation and events.

Items 151 to 160 of 185
Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here