Member Directory

Charity Number: 216227
Scottish Charity Number: SC039411

Support for blind and visually impaired ex-Servicemen and women.

Contact Information
12-14 Harcourt Street
020 7723 5021

Support Offered

Assistance in accessing benefits and the provision of financial aid.

Nursing and residential care. Short and long term.

Nationwide welfare service, together with lifelong rehabilitation, training and support.

Charity Number: 1162066

The charity object are as follows:
Providing assistance to beneficiaries with the provision of affordable accommodation, “beneficiaries” means;
Those who are in need or vulnerable , because of their physical or mental health or social or economic circumstances, to former members of the merchant navy, former service personal of armed forces of the crown and widow’s widowers and surviving dependants of men and woman who have served in the merchant navy, Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force.

Contact Information
12a Memorial Homes
01202 302881

Support Offered

Scottish Charity Number: SC043908

Glen Art supports veterans and their families.

Contact Information
The Old Garden Centre
Erskine Home

Support Offered

We organise artistic and gardening activities, as well as providing dogs and training for veterans with our BRAVEHOUND Project.

Through our partnership with the New York based Outside the Wire theatre company we co-present Theatre of War in the UK raising public awareness of PTSD and helping to remove the perceived stigma attached to a PTSD diagnosis in the military and veteran community.

We provide direct practical support in times of need.

Charity Number: 1138136
Company Number: 7096496

The Bridge for Heroes was established in September 2010 by Mike and Helen Taylor with the aim of delivering direct and immediate support to the HM Armed Forces community, veterans and their families.

Contact Information
52a South Clough Lane
Kings Lynn
PE30 1SE
01553 760230

Support Offered

Since its opening in June 2011 The General Dannatt Contact Centre in King’s Lynn has provided support through respite breaks, compensation claims, pensions advice, veteran advice and guidance, housing advice, service records and medal applications, and military family research.

Charity Number: 1075109

Boost the morale of the Forces primarily through high quality entertainment and projects designed to bring the public and their Armed Forces closer together.

Contact Information
10a the High Street
01672 564911

Support Offered

Produces shows and other projects designed to support Forces.

Charity Number: 1173575

The BNTVA is the premier UK charity representing all people who have worked with or alongside radioactive material for the benefit of this nation. Formed initially to campaign for recognition and restitution of our Servicemen who participated in the British Nuclear Tests the organisation has evolved over the years to share it’s knowledge and heritage with people from all walks of life.

Contact Information
The Smithy
0208 144 3080

Support Offered

Working within the UK Charity sector we further seek to forge bonds of mutual benefit with other charitable bodies and support organisations both within the Ex-Service sphere and the wider community.

We are also committed to maintaining the heritage of our Veterans experiences by passing their incredible story on to future generations.

Charity Number: 1155225

To provide nursing and residential support for Ex-Service men and women

Contact Information
Park Lane
M7 4JD

Support Offered

Nursing Care, full residential support. Physiotherapy, welfare. Tailored care plan including nutritional needs

Company Number: 12874013

The BuildForce core activities centre around the 2 sectors we occupy:
– upskill service leavers and veterans with training which leads to careers in construction
– support service leavers and veterans to secure careers in construction.

The vision for BuildForce is to inspire and enable ex-Service personnel to pursue long-term careers in construction whilst supporting industry to attract, retain and grow this incredible talent pool.

Contact Information
66 Gloucester Terrace
W2 3HH
07815 755285

Support Offered

BuildForce is nationwide and offers a compliment of services focused on industry, training and well-being:
-Centred around a unique career programme with access to industry via mentoring, work placements, site visits, career chats and job roles.
-Our collaboration with University College of Estate Management created bespoke construction modules offering certification, a place on a degree course for onward learning and CPD.
-Mental health, wellbeing and stress management support is provided for all candidates by our psychologist.

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Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here