Member Directory

Scottish Charity Number: SC049441

To assist practically and financially any former member of the UK Armed
Forces who is Homeless, at risk of being Homeless or in unsafe/ unsuitable accommodation.
To facilitate the transition into secure, permanent accommodation and to put
measures in place / ensure appropriate referrals to ensure this is sustainable
To liaise with the local authorities in terms of veterans’ housing applications to
ensure the veteran is not disadvantaged due to their service or service related

Contact Information
132 Rankin Court
PA16 9AZ

Support Offered

Assistance with any issues preventing the veteran from transitioning into secure, permanent accommodation (clothing for interviews, signposting for legal/ debt assistance, digital access assistance, transport )
Assist with deposits and 1st month’s rent for Private rentals
Liaison with local authorities and other official organisations where a veteran
is vulnerable and unable to do so.
Ensure that the veteran is referred to the correct organisations in terms of
physical and mental health requirements, benefits / financial support, training
and employment.
Referral to other organisations for Furniture, Carpeting and household goods
and assistance with these in emergency situations
Assistance with removal of furniture and household goods
Assistance with issues that prevent the veteran from sustaining secure
accommodation and family life – emergency hardship payments.

Charity Number: 1083846

The relief of former members of the Royal Navy (Hong Kong Division) and the Hong Kong Military Service Corps and their dependants who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress and the advancement of the education and vocational training of such former members and their dependants in such ways as the Trustees from time to time think fit.

Contact Information
c/o RHQ The RLC Dettingen House
Princess Royal Barracks
Gu16 6RW
01252 833593

Support Offered

Scottish Charity Number: SC040765
Company Number: 360882

HorseBack UK is a charity which was set up in 2009 to empower service personnel and veterans suffering from life-changing injuries and post traumatic stress disorder. Using horsemanship and outdoor activities participants gain self confidence and self esteem amongst people who have experienced similar trauma.

Contact Information
AB34 5LD
01339 880487

Support Offered

The HorseBack experience is a three week residential programme spread over six months and follows three core goals: community, purpose and empowerment. It offers clients the opportunity to re-discover existing skills, learn new ones and gain a better understanding of themselves and their individual needs.

Charity Number: SC027335
Scottish Charity Number: SC027335

To help clients to find “the right house, in the right place”.

We never turn anyone away and never close a case until the client asks us to.

Contact Information
The Melting Pot
5 Rose Street
0131 247 1400

Support Offered

We provide a bespoke housing information and advice service to veterans, serving personnel, reservists and their families.

This service is free and confidential and available to those currently living in, or wishing to locate to Scotland.

Each client receives a detailed housing approach report and follow on help from a named caseworker.

Charity Number: 1066776
Company Number: 2610208

We will work with you, to ensure you get the information, advice and support you need, at times in your life when you need us.

Contact Information
Ernest English House
Buckwell Street

Support Offered

Improving Lives Plymouth has co-designed with veterans, their families and carers, and partners, a Plymouth Veterans and Family Hub at Ernest English House, Buckwell Street, Plymouth, PL1 2DA. The hub is run by veterans and their families for veterans and their families.
The hub provides social activity, peer support and mentoring, casework, support for older carers, and works with a range of organisations in the city to shape better pathways to employment, mental wellbeing, welfare, housing advice and financial information.
Volunteers from the veteran community and their families, and others, are recruited and trained to give them the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence, to provide group and one to one support, and awareness training.

Charity Number: 1159482
Company Number: 9318784

The Invictus Games Foundation (IGF) seeks to inspire communities through the power of the unconquerable spirit.
We encourage greater international understanding and respect for those who serve their country by inspiring recovery and supporting the rehabilitation of wounded, injured or sick (WIS) military Service personnel and veterans.

Contact Information
190 Great Dover Street

Support Offered

The Invictus Games Foundation uses the Invictus Games to inspire recovery and demonstrate the resilience of the Invictus Community. We improve lives through our support to sports recovery activities. And we share best practice and collaborate to influence research and increase knowledge around trauma, recover, rehabilitation and the power of sport.

The Invictus Games Foundation:
• Uses the power of sport to develop and deliver international competitions of adaptive sport
through the Invictus Games.
• Supports initiatives for WIS to regain a sense of purpose.
• Supports initiatives for WIS to re-engage with and contribute to their communities.
• Curates and shares best practice to foster greater international collaboration for recovery
and rehabilitation.

Charity Number: Exempt

The King’s Centre for Military Health Research (KCMHR) is the leading civilian UK centre of excellence for military health research and independent of the UK Ministry of Defence. KCMHR draws upon the experience of a multi-disciplinary team and is led by Professor Sir Simon Wessely and Professor Nicola Fear. The purpose of KCMHR is to undertake research investigating military life and the health and well-being of the Armed Forces community, using quantitative and qualitative methods. We aim to conduct high quality research that positively impacts the Armed Forces community and work collaboratively with other academic, charity and government institutions to achieve this.

Contact Information
King's College London
Weston Education Centre
10 Cutcombe Road,London

Support Offered

KCMHR conducts original and impactful research that aids and supports the Armed Forces community through healthcare provision or policy change within the MoD, the National Health Service and within the Voluntary sector. Our flagship studies include our health and wellbeing cohort study assessing the long-term health of UK Armed Forces, ADVANCE – a 20-year cohort study assessing battle casualties’ long-term health outcomes and our families studies that assess the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents and children of Armed Forces families. Our studies have been used to analyse various military issues, and papers have been published in peer reviewed, scientific journals. Our findings are regularly reported in the press and help shape government policy towards military personnel with our research published in high impact journals such as the British Medical Journal and The Lancet. KCMHR aims for academic excellence, high quality research, and is actively engaged in education and teaching helping to deliver BsC and MsC modules in military health and trauma at King’s College London.

Cost Effective Health Insurance for Officers’ Families.

Our health insurance provides help in meeting the unexpected costs of illness for your dependants.
Knowing that financial support is readily available to help meet the additional costs of nursing, hospital care and domestic help when emergencies happen can mean working and home life does not have to stop whilst your family member recovers.

Since 1911, Lady Grover’s Fund has grown as a Friendly Society to meet the needs of officers’ families in times of illness and injury. By joining as a member, you are able to access critical financial support when you and your family need it the most – enabling you to provide additional nursing, hospital or domestic care you might otherwise be unable to afford.

Contact Information
40 Caversham Road
020 7808 4180 / 0845 873 7161

Support Offered

Who we help:
– Dependants of officers of all three services and the Royal Fleet Auxilliary whether serving or retired
– Widows or widowers of officers
– Divorced wives or husbands of officers, (for their own benefit or that of their children)
– Dependant parents or step-parents of officers
– Children are eligible for help until they are 18, or 21 if they are in full-time education

Items 71 to 80 of 185
Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here