Member Directory

Charity Number: 1087210
Company Number: 04185635

To ensure the well-being of all Armed Forces personnel.

Contact Information
The Old Stables
Redenham Park
SP11 9AQ
01264 774000

Support Offered

Delivers an independent and impartial 24 hour specialist welfare service to those members of the British Armed Forces who are receiving hospital care, their dependant relatives and entitled civilians in order to contribute to the coherence of the recovery and rehabilitation pathway for service personnel. The crucial practical and emotional support is provided at times when it is most needed and is bound by a code of confidentiality. DMWS brings the Covenant between the Armed Forces and the Nation to life through its support of the wounded, injured and sick whilst under hospital care.

Scottish Charity Number: SC046484

Dundee Therapy Garden uses horticultural therapy to help Dundee’s uniformed service veterans overcome mental health problems which have damaged their lives.

Contact Information
The Birches
High St.
01356 648 008

Support Offered

Dundee Therapy Garden offers individually tailored therapy sessions in a peaceful garden in Dudhope Park. The charity works with the veterans to develop coping strategies which enable them to rebuild their self-confidence, restore relationships with family and friends and reconnect with the communities in which they live. Dundee Therapy Garden employs 2 qualified therapists who are helped by a team of trained volunteers. Horticultural therapy is not a quick fix. It may take as long as 3 years before a veteran is ready to move on to the world of work or to further training. The therapists also offer advice and support to family members.

Charity Number: 1190445

We provide assistance to veterans and their families with Mental Health support through counselling and one to one interventions, Addiction support with our addiction substance misuse practitioner. The addiction support is through group work as well as one to one interventions. We also supply complementary therapies in the form of reiki and acupuncture. Social inclusion in the form of groups such as woodcraft, model making and craft as well as coffee morning’s free meals and our breakfast club. Practical support through our case workers who support such things as benefits, housing, fuel poverty, food poverty as well as furniture.

Contact Information
Queen Alexandra Road

Support Offered

We have 2 case workers who work with the practical support side of what we offer. We have 4 fully qualified counsellors who work within the veterans trust and are dedicated to supporting our veterans. Our substance misuse practitioner who has 18 years experience in substance misuse and also offers complimentary therapies such as reiki and acupuncture.

Charity Number: 1183583

The mission of ESVH is to provide non-clinical support, including welfare, well-being and coping for Veterans of the Armed Forces in East Sussex, particularly those with combat related PTSD and mental ill health or involved within the criminal justice system.
To reduce social isolation and enable veterans to integrate into the local community;
To improve desistence within the criminal justice system;
To increase veteran’s ability to understand, address and manage PTSD, mental health symptoms and through self-help gain a reasonable quality of life;
To work in collaboration and develop professional working relationships with local services: both statutory and non-statutory; and
To work with veterans and introduce them to appropriate services that meet their needs, where and when these are required.

Contact Information

5 Harold Place
East Sussex
TN34 1JA

Support Offered

Wellbeing & Coping Sessions, including meditation every fortnight, Saturdays 1000 to 1300 hours. Hastings.
Monday, Tuesday, & Friday office and drop in 0930 to 1300 hours
One to One visits as required
Full range of welfare support, assistance with transition, resettlement, allowances, GPs and NHS specialist.
Advice on support available and direct help for homeless getting back into accommodation.
Assistance in preparation to return to work or volunteering.
Particular support for those with PTSD/mental ill health.
Presentations to statutory bodies and other organisations that interface with military community.
Special support for veterans involved with Criminal Justice System, including those on remand, serving a sentence or pre release. Provision of RAR days for those with community sentences or on licence.
Developing services for families of veterans in need.
Provision of special activity days, sculpturing, visits, etc

Company Number: 10410877

Supported housing for veterans and families.

Contact Information
57a Library Street
01942 318046

Support Offered

EDs Homes provide supported housing to veterans and family members. Our drop in head office is in Wigan centre, our properties are in Wigan, Bolton and St Helens. Homeless and ex-offenders are welcome, via referral pathways. Assistance with services including mental health, substance misuse, wellbeing, education programmes, work placement and independent living.

Charity Number: 1163266
Company Number: 9242372 Our Wilton Trust
Friendly Society Register No: 12304625 Entrain Space

Entrain Space (operating name of Entrain Space Trust) provides a home, support, community and opportunities for ex-service personnel – both service leavers and veterans – who need some additional support in making a successful transition to civilian life.
Our goal is to enable our residents to move on to a secure, fulfilling, and sustainable civilian life after 1–3 years with us.
Our first development, Erskine House in Wilton, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, opened in December 2019. We take ex-service personnel from anywhere in the country and can accommodate singles, couples or families.

Contact Information
Erskine House
Buckeridge Road,Wilton

Support Offered

At Entrain Space we provide:
– High-quality, spacious and fully furnished one- and two-bedroom flats
– Full-time wraparound professional housing and welfare support, as required
– The Entrain Space Personal Development Program – an individually tailored and directed program of training, apprenticeships, on-site voluntary or paid employment in one of our social enterprises, and local employment and business opportunities
– Great on-site facilities – including a large, well-equipped training suite for residents, offices for our full-time support staff, and the café

Charity Number: 1152232
Company Number: 8381653

The Explora Scholarship Funds main object, is to advance education by providing funds, and facilitating the establishment of scholarships in further, or higher education, for the dependents of severely injured (physically or mentally) and deceased members of the UK Armed Forces and UK Security Services who were in Government Service when killed or injured. The ESF became a full member of the confederation of service charities in February 2015

Contact Information
Unit 9 Talina Centre
23A Bagley's Lane
0207 736 3420

Support Offered

The ESF will disburse scholarship funds in the UK, mainly for post-graduate degree education in architecture, engineering and the applied sciences in a field relating to physical protection. Typically this might be protection against explosive blast or ballistic injury. Funds can be granted for up to four year’s study for any one individual. In certain circumstances, scholarships can also be granted to members of the UK Armed Forces or UK Security Serviceswho have suffered severe physical or mental health injury as a result of Government Service.Further or Higher Educationmay range from A-Level/Diploma/Foundation Degree to a First Degree. Disability may also include stress related trauma. In exceptional circumstances, an individual benefiting from an initial Further or Higher education course might be considered for a later stage of education eg post graduate.
This includes spouse, children, legally dependent partners, and other family members who are, or were, directly dependent upon the income of the killed or injured member of the UK Armed Forcesor UK Security Services.

Charity Number: 1178108

The relief of young people up to and including the age of 19 who have suffered the loss of a serving parent or family member whilst serving in the British Armed Forces by the provision of fun and challenging activity breaks for bereaved military families in order to provide relief from the effects of bereavement to such young people.

Contact Information
22 Grants Cresent

Support Offered

Families’ Activity Breaks (FAB) is a non-public funded, tri-service charity, providing fun and challenging activity camps around the UK for bereaved Military families.
A FAB Camp is a fully-paid week away for bereaved military families; a welcome break to meet and socialise with others who have experienced a similar loss.
FAB is staffed by volunteers from the Armed Forces, Defence civilians, and Ex-Service personnel – helping as mentors, lending a helping hand or simply being someone to talk to. They are all trained to support children and young adults facing bereavement.

Scottish Charity Number: SC046606

The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

Contact Information
New Haig House
Logie Green Road

Support Offered

Fares4Free work with taxi firms, drivers and community transport organisations to provide veterans with free transport to help them access essential services and fight isolation one mile at a time.
Fares4Free drivers provide a welcoming safe environment and a listening ear.
Transport and journey planning.

Charity Number: 1061212
Scottish Charity Number: Sc039262
Company Number: 3270369

Part of the Career Transition Partnership. To help men and women of all ranks leaving the Armed Forces to find and remain in employment throughout their working lives.

Contact Information
Mountbarrow House
6-20 Elizabeth Street

Support Offered

Counselling and support.
Job finding, advice and search.

Items 41 to 50 of 188
Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here