
‘Alabaré ambassadors event success’

‘Disaster in the Caribbean’ a fundraising event held by Wiltshire-based charity Alabaré’s ambassadors helped to raise over £3,000 for their Wiltshire Homes for Veterans service.

The evening at St. Francis’ Church Salisbury, saw a captivating talk by Lt Col Paul Maynard MA BSc RM of 40 commando Royal Marines, who led the humanitarian relief mission across the Caribbean in the wake of hurricanes Maria, Jose and Irma.

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Spinnaker Abseil Success

South West based charity Alabaré held a thrilling fundraiser on Sunday 25th March as 45 participant’s abseiled down the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth.

The event helped to raise over £12,000 for Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans service as those taking part descended over 100 metres down the side of the iconic harbour side landmark.

With each of those taking part pledging to raise a minimum of £200, the event helped to raise vital funds for veterans who are homelessness or those at risk of being so.

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Salonika Reflections

South West based charity Alabaré were amongst those who were invited to attend the launch of ‘Salonika Reflections’, an exhibition of art developed by service users from Alabaré’s Wiltshire Home for Veterans, curated by the artist Susan Francis.

In a series of creative workshops, our veterans studied photos and records from soldiers who served in the Salonika campaign in the First World War. They related these to their own personal experiences from their time spent in the military, creating an exhibition which crosses the boundaries of time.

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Alabaré welcome new research in to homelessness amongst veterans

Alabaré today welcomes new research commissioned by veterans’ housing charity Stoll and social housing provider Riverside that highlights the problems faced by ex-service personnel upon leaving the Forces.

The research, conducted by the University of York and funded by the Forces in Mind Trust, showed that the veterans who took part in the study experienced a varied quality of advice on transitioning from the Armed Forces and inconsistent support from local housing authorities.

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Alabaré welcome new Wiltshire ambassadors

Alabaré are delighted to welcome two new members to our Wiltshire Ambassadors; Gay Edwards and Jennifer Nelson.

Gay has been involved with voluntary work since her late twenties, including a number of charities on the Isle of Wight and in Hampshire, predominately as a trustee. She has also spent many years working on a voluntary basis in prisons, being on the Parole Board for England and Wales and on the Board of Hampshire Probation.

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Armed Forces Covenant Awards £20,000 Grant to Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans Wales

Alabaré, the charity behind Homes for Veterans England and Wales, are delighted to have been awarded £20,000 towards costs of our Homes for Veterans Wales from the Armed Forces Covenant.

Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans Wales offers support to ex-Service men and women across Wales who have left active service and who are experiencing difficulty adapting to civilian life. These former service personnel are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, usually due to lack of support network and social isolation after discharge.

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Abseil for Veterans

South-West based charity Alabaré are hosting a charity abseil down the Emirates Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth on Sunday 25th March. 45 participants will abseil 100 metres down the side of the tower whilst raising funds for Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans.

The service provides supported accommodation to British Armed Forces Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

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29th March – Talk on Disaster in the Caribbean

Alabaré’s Wiltshire Ambassadors invite you to ‘Disaster in the Caribbean’; a fascinating talk by Lt Col Paul Maynard MA BSc RM on the humanitarian relief mission across the Caribbean in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Jose. The evening will include an Introduction by Commodore Richard Lord CBE RN and be hosted by Commodore Miller CBE RN.

Lt Col Paul Maynard MA BSc assumed command of 40 Commando Royal Marines in March 2017. In September 2017, at just 12 hours’ notice, 40 Commando and Royal Engineers from 24 Commando Regiment were deployed to aid with the relief mission following the devastating effects of hurricanes across the Caribbean. He tells us how the events unfolded.

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Big Lottery Fund awards Alabaré Homes For Veterans grant

Our Homes For Veterans service in Wales is set to be boosted by a grant we have we have received from the Big Lottery Fund. It will increase the support veterans receive within accommodation centres across Wales and work in partnership with other support agencies to provide a wrap-around service.

The sum of £497,758 will be given over the course of three years in order to fund two part time roles as well as eight full time positions to help provide support for veterans in Wales. The allocation of this grant is essential in allowing Alabaré to continue to help the lives of those who have served in the British Armed Forces but since fallen on hard times.

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The Big Sleep at Stonehenge

Alabaré were delighted to be working in collaboration with English Heritage for the second year at the world-renowned Stonehenge. After last year’s huge success, they were privileged to yet again host a BIG SLEEP at the iconic venue. In the grounds of arguably the most famous prehistoric monument on the planet. Over 100 people from the local military community slept out, over night at the Stonehenge visitor centre on Friday 13th October.

Those sleeping out were from local Armed Forces camps, employees and families of Sodexo Defence and other defence contractors.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here