
The Soldiers’ Charity awards Combat Stress a grant of £250,000

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity has awarded Combat Stress a grant of £250,000 to help provide occupational therapy within their treatment centres.

Combat Stress offers occupational therapy to all veterans undertaking a residential programme at one of their three treatment centres and over the past year have introduced occupational therapists to their community teams.

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From the highest mountains to the coldest continent – the march of the fundraising army

Charity thoughts from Robin Bacon, Chief of Staff, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

Back in 1946, when Field Marshal Montgomery launched the Charity’s first ever public appeal, all he asked was for everyone to give one Shilling – around £3.50 in today’s money. This fundraising ask was quite simple; donate some money and help the Charity.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here