
Prince Harry joins Veterans’ Mental Health Conference – Sponsored by Forces in Mind Trust

Leading veterans’ mental health experts gathered today (Thursday 16th March) to discuss international perspectives on the mental health of the Armed Forces Community. They were joined by Prince Harry at King’s College London for the annual event, which for the second year running was sponsored solely by the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT).

World-class speakers from leading UK and international institutions working in the field of veterans’ mental health gave a series of wide-ranging presentations and hosted debates. Prince Harry led a panel discussion with three former members of the UK and US Armed Forces who spoke about their personal experiences of addressing and managing mental health challenges, and the importance of encouraging open conversations about mental health.

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New Forces in Mind Trust award: King’s College London to research secondary mental health treatment for ex-Service personnel

A grant of £158,999 has been awarded to King’s College London to conduct an 18-month feasibility study exploring the type of mental health problems UK veterans experience who actively access secondary mental health care, their pathway through treatment, the outcomes of the treatment they receive, and their socio-demographic profile. The project will compare and contrast these findings with non-veterans (ie the general population) who access the same services, as well as UK veterans who access veteran-specific mental health care services.

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Forces in Mind Trust’s first two Specialist Fellows celebrate the end of their Fellowships on Clore Social Leadership’s Fellowship programme 2015 and 2016

The Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), established to help ex-Service personnel and their families make a successful transition back to civilian life, formally celebrated the achievements of their first two Specialist FiMT Fellows on Clore Social Leadership’s Fellowship Programme at a dedicated event marking the end of the 2015 and 2016 Fellowships.

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New Forces in Mind Trust Funded Report: Changing ex-Officer community faces new challenges

Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), together with the Officers’ Association has today (1 March) released a new report, which provides a definitive demographic profile of the serving and ex-officer community.

The Report states that there are over 26,820 serving UK officers, and an estimated 371,600 veteran officers in Great Britain, including 19,200 over ninety years of age.

The Report projects that the number of veteran officers will fall by 55% in the next 20 years, because of the decreasing number of World War Two veterans.

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New Forces in Mind Trust award: Bristol University to improve signposting to specialist support for domestic violence and abuse in UK military families

A grant of £46,938 has been awarded to University of Bristol for a 15-month study to investigate domestic violence and abuse (DVA) in UK military families. The research will investigate what criteria might constitute specialist DVA provision for this group, and what service providers, if any, already meet these criteria, in order to help improve signposting to the service providers best placed to meet the needs of UK military families suffering DVA.

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New Forces in Mind Trust Grant: ‘healthcare navigator’ for need of Birmingham Armed Forces community

Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) has teamed up with the Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS) and the Tavistock Institute to pilot a new model of care to support our local armed forces community with a £97,507 grant from the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT).

A newly-appointed ‘healthcare navigator’ will lead an initiative to raise awareness of the needs of the armed forces community among NHS primary care staff and develop a dedicated service to help serving personnel, veterans, reservists and their families access a range of health, social and third sector support.

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New Forces in Mind Trust award:  University of Salford to examine impact of UK benefits system on Veterans

A grant of a £171,995 has been awarded to the University of Salford, working with the University of York on a two-year project, to examine what impact interaction with the benefit system has on the transition of military personnel to civilian life, thanks to support from the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT).

The two-year study, called Sanctions, support and Service leavers: welfare conditionality and transitions from military to civilian life, will investigate the effect of a conditional welfare system in the UK, including the use of sanctions, and how this affects ex-Service personnel and their families.

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New Forces in Mind Trust award: University of Stirling to research collaboration between public and third sector agencies to improve housing outcomes for ex-services personnel

A grant of £120,745 has been awarded to the University of Stirling, for a 24-month study to review existing evidence and develop new research to improve collaboration between public and third sector agencies to achieve better housing outcomes for ex-service personnel.

Previous research has identified that a significant issue for ex-Service personnel is access to housing and that they are thought to be over-represented in the homeless population.

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New Forces in Mind Trust award: Directory of Social Change to develop the directory of UK military charities as part of three year ‘Armed Forces Charities Project’

A grant of £ 447,459.00 has been awarded to the Directory of Social Change (DSC) for a 3-year project to develop the current online directory of UK military charities, as well as producing a series of themed research reports on the sector, and another in-depth Sector Insight: Armed Forces Charities report in 2019.

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FiMT publishes two new reports on its website

‘Life Transitions: What can be learnt across sectors to better support individuals when they undergo a life transition?’

In November 2016, FiMT partnered with St George’s House to deliver a consultation to explore how transition is approached and managed in different settings and sectors. These are examined from three different perspectives: the individual experiencing the change; the network of family and friends around the individual; and wider societal stakeholders.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here