
The Association of ex-Service Drop-In Centres – mapping the UK

The Association of ex-Service Drop-In Centres (ASDIC) was set up last year for all those like minded organisations who manage veterans’ Drop-In centres. (OVERCOMES REPITITION) All over the UK there is a steadily increasing number of Drop-Ins where veterans and other members of the Armed Forces community may go for help and advice, or simply for companionship. It is a broad community and includes both the Merchant Service and Fishing Fleet whose veterans are welcome too. Currently there are believed to be about 60 Drop-Ins in operation and more are being discovered all the time and 25 have already joined ASDIC. Drop-Ins vary hugely in their modus operandi but all serve the same broad purpose, which is to provide social and welfare support to veterans and their families.

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New support hub aims to help veterans as they transition into civillian life

Broughton House has launched an Armed Forces Support Hub to help ex-servicemen and women transition successfully to civilian life.

The Hub is expected to be up and running by the end of the year and will be a one-stop shop offering help to veterans with health, welfare, housing, social and employment issues.

Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, attended the launch and pledged £5,000 to the Hub from his Homelessness Fund.

His fund is supporting efforts to prevent veteran homelessness, and at the launch he said it was unacceptable that those who have served the country were sleeping rough.

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Veterans Outreach Support, in Portsmouth is recognised with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for 2017

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work in their communities. It is considered to be the MBE for volunteer groups. The award was created in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and winners are announced each year on 2 June– the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.

Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) is a community-based group of volunteers that provide on the spot welfare, peer mentoring and mental health support to ex-service personnel from all three services and the merchant marine and their families. VOS has been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for 2017, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here