
Join local military charity for Easter family fun

Blind Veterans UK, a local charity for blind and vision-impaired ex-Service men and women, is inviting local residents to join them for an afternoon of Easter-themed family fun.

The event, Easter Family Fun, will involve a range of Easter-themed art activities, including cake decorating and a blindfolded woodland egg-chime trail, giving participants the chance to win a basket of exciting Easter-themed prizes. It will take place from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday 31 March at the charity’s training and rehabilitation centre in Llandudno, North Wales.

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Ski you later: Buckinghamshire blind veteran hits the slopes thanks to national military charity

A blind veteran from Buckinghamshire has been skiing in Canazei, Italy, with other vision-impaired Armed Forces veterans, thanks to national military charity Blind Veterans UK.

Carl Williams, 46 and from High Wycombe, skied in the Dolomites mountain range with 24 other vision-impaired skiers as part of the charity’s 41st annual ski trip. Carl learned to ski 14 years ago with the support of Blind Veterans UK and has helped organise the event since 2013, when he joined the veteran-led ski trip committee.

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“The smiles never left our faces” – A family story.

Give Us Time would like to thank all of our supporters and in this instance in particular Center Parcs, who make it possible for us to receive emails like this:

Dear Give Us Time team,

My family & I cannot thank you enough for giving us such a wonderful break at Center Parcs.

From the moment we got there, all life’s daily stresses & strains were forgotten about.

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Forward-looking initiative is offering affordable Wills for South Coast Residents

A national charity has joined forces with a number of local south coast solicitors for an initiative that offers affordable Will creation in exchange for charitable donations.

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) ‘Make a Will Fortnight’ project sees solicitors firms across Portsmouth, Plymouth and the Isle of Wight waive their fees on standard Wills. In exchange, those who require the creation of a Will are instead encouraged to make a charitable donation to the RNRMC.

‘Make a Will Fortnight’ will commence on February 12th and will run until February 25th. Due to high demand, potential clients are encouraged to enquire as soon as possible.

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Red, White & Blue Day 2017

Last Friday, 6th October, marked the Charity’s annual Red, White & Blue day in schools. The annual fundraising initiative, which raises vital funds for ourselves, The RAF Benevolent Fund and The Royal Navy, and Royal Marines Charity, helps us to promote awareness of the difficulties faced by Service families.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here