Have you received support from our project with Age UK, OP Sterling? We are currently working with Northumbria University to evaluate the project, looking at how to shape support for LGBT+ veterans in the months and years to come.
We are looking for veterans who have accessed the service to share their thoughts via a brief questionnaire.
We would deeply appreciate your thoughts and time. Please email Ellie, OP Sterling Lead, on ellie.howell@fightingwithpride.org.uk for the questionnaire and participant information sheet links.
What is Operation Sterling?
Working in partnership with Fighting With Pride, Age UK delivers the Operation Sterling programme to help older LGBT+ veterans, service personnel and their families.
The Operation Sterling programme provides telephone-based support, advice and casework to older LGBT+ veterans through Age UK’s Advice Line. The existing expertise of Age UK’s Advice Line advisors, together with the knowledge that Fighting With Pride has about how best to support the wellbeing of LGBT+ veterans, means that Operation Sterling can support older LGBT+ veterans in a number of different ways.
There’s a focus on helping older LGBT+ veterans access financial support – from working out what support they might be eligible for to helping them get started on the claims process. But Age UK’s advisors are also able to provide further support, like advising older LGBT+ veterans on housing options and social care.
You can find out more about Op Sterling and how they can support LGBT+ Veterans here.