Ben Keene, from Escape the City, shares his top tips.
Researching career paths is important, but it is vital to act on your findings.
First ask yourself, what did you like about being in the Armed Forces? What skills did you gain and want to continue using? Identifying your interests and skills will help to give your job search direction. It’s easy to feel like there is choice overload, but knowing what you want from your new career will help you select the right roles and organisations.
Meet people doing jobs that interest you. Find them through friends, family and LinkedIn, and invite them for coffee. You want to hear what it’s really like to do a role before committing yourself to a new path. Come prepared with lots of questions. For example, what’s a typical day like? What’s great about it? What’s less good about it? You’ll understand better if the career could be a good fit for you.
Linkedin can help your search, but unless you’re interacting with people in the real world, it can become a rabbit hole. Use LinkedIn is to identify people you could speak to about their careers, rather than as a job application tool.