Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity launches fundraising campaign to mark 100th anniversary of the Army v Navy rugby match


Army v Navy Rugby Weekend Army v Navy Rugby Weekend Army v Navy Rugby Weekend Record Crowd See Annual Clash at Twickenham. The Army v Royal Navy has always been the cream of the fixture calendar and this year was to be no different 63,000 people came to watch the annual clash. From the kick-off the Navy took the game to the Army side leading after 10 minutes 10 -0 following a penalty from Navy Skipper POAET (Dave) Pascoe (771 NAS, RNAS Culdrose). This was followed 6 minuets later by a good move down the blindside which allowed Cpl (Calum) MaCrae (CTCRM) to score a converted try. Sadly this was to be the last score of the game by the Navy as the Army came back eventually winning 44-10. The Game also saw the departure of Navy stalwarts Cpl (Greg) Barden (HMNB Portsmouth) and Mne (Scott) Llewellyn (Cdo Logs Regt RM) as they both leave the service in the next few months. The evening saw the presentation of 2 awards, the first was the ‘Proud Heritage Exciting Future Trophy’ which was first presented in 2010 the trophy is an acknowledgement of the young and emerging talent within Navy Rugby. This talent if nurtured and developed will ensure that the future of the Union will remain vibrant and exciting. The trophy was specially commissioned and fashioned from original oak and copper from HMS Victory. It symbolizes the proud traditions and heritage upon which the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines and Navy Rugby are founded. The 2011 award winner was MA (Sam) Laird (HMS Collingwood, Portsmouth Command, U23 and Senior XV). The second award was the ‘Cossack Sword’ which was presented to the Royal Navy Rugby Union by former player and selector, Captain Leigh Merrick Royal Navy and first awarded in 2000. The sword is for "Ground Gained and Held" and awarded at the end of each season to the player, from the Royal Navy Senior XV, whose performances over the course of the season best meet the battling qualities invoked by the heritage of the "Cossack Warrior".

The national charity of the Royal Navy has launched a new fundraising campaign, Twickenham 100, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Army v Navy rugby match, held at Twickenham Stadium.

The campaign challenges groups and individuals nationwide to carry out their own fundraising activities, of any description, related to the number 100 in the run up to match day on 29 April to raise funds for The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC).

Early pledges from eager fundraisers, from both inside and outside of the Naval Service, include a 100 bouts of kickboxing from the Royal Navy Muay Thai Association; a 100+ mile five-day bike ride to Twickenham Stadium via premiership rugby clubs from personnel at HMNB Devonport; 100 question quiz from final year Project Management students at the University of Portsmouth; a prize draw at Royal Naval Association branch Worthing; and an ambitious 100-mile walk conducted by ex-WRNS (Women’s Royal Naval Service).


Hilary Jukes, RNRMC Regional Fundraising Coordinator, says: “The Army v Navy match is one of the biggest events in the Armed Forces social calendar so setting a 100-activity fundraising challenge was a natural fit.

“In 2015 we distributed £8.1 million to causes supporting the Royal Navy and Royal Marines – the most we’ve ever granted. To continue to meet the level of demand we need to raise an additional £500,000 each year so we need the public’s help and raise money for sailors, marines, and their families, past and present.

“Whether your challenge is to see who can do the most burpees in 100 seconds or bake and sell 100 cakes, we want to hear from you.”

Those who sign up, via the Charity’s website ( will receive a fundraising pack in support of their challenge – and those who opt to fundraise on the coaches on way to Twickenham will be supplied with fun games, ideas and posters. Lead fundraisers will be in with the chance to win some terrific prizes, including items from Gillian Jones Designs, Knight Sportswear and Ballistic Weather Vanes.

All event participants are encouraged to upload their photos, videos and stories on social media, using the hashtags #Twickenham100 and #Your100YourWay.

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Notes for editors:

Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is the principal charity of the Royal Navy. It exists to support sailors, marines and their families, for life.

Since 2007 it has funded projects and facilities that boost morale for those who serve today. It also distributes millions of pounds annually to military charities who care for the children, families and veterans of the Naval Service.

For more information on The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, call 023 9387 1520 or visit

Media contact:

Chris Taylor, Media and PR Executive, Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity,, 023 9387 1540



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