Soldiering On Awards 2023: Family Values Award

The 2023 Soldiering On Awards Family Values Award is presented in partnership with Right Management.

This Award honours a person, family or group whose selfless commitment, dedication and support for others in the Armed Forces Community ensures that they are cared for, supported or helped. This selfless act is therefore a shining example to society.

The finalists:

Phoenix Heroes CIC has helped over 600 veterans and families since its foundation, committing over 32,000 voluntary hours to a community that stretches across the UK.

Military Assistance Social Hub is a group in Bridlington, Beverly and Withernsea which provides a regular meeting place and activities for veterans, their families and friends, thus reducing social isolation.

Mutual Support is a non-profit organisation, run wholly by volunteers, providing support for military personnel, veterans, and their dependants living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Learn all about them at

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Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here